Becoming a PIF Start-Up Member

Launching a business in the payments space can be challenging, but PIF's start-up membership offers support at a pivotal time at an accessible price point. It offers a platform and voice for start-ups that are often resource-constrained, but ideas-rich. Our industry-led ecosystem provides unparalleled advantages, particularly through our specialised legal, regulatory and anti-fraud working groups. 

PIF start-up membership also connects founders with leading industry innovators with decades of experience in launching and scaling successful payments businesses. By joining our community, you benefit from a collaborative network that understands the intricacies of the payments landscape and is committed to driving innovation whilst mitigating the risks. This collective knowledge is designed to help early-stage fintechs build a solid foundation for sustainable growth.

Why PIF Supports Start-Ups:

  • Driving Innovation: Start-ups push boundaries, helping to improve and enhance the way we pay and get paid.
  • Enhancing Competition: New entrants challenge incumbents and help provide more choice, benefiting consumers and businesses.
  • Expanding Financial Inclusion: Many start-ups focus on underserved markets, offering solutions for underbanked populations.
  • Encouraging Collaboration: Start-ups bring fresh ideas and new business models that established players can integrate or partner with.
  • Boosting Economic Growth: Fintechs in the payments sector contribute significantly to job creation, while supporting consumer and business spending.
  • Preparing for the Future: Supporting start-ups ensures that the payments ecosystem remains dynamic and ready to embrace emerging trends.

PIF Start-Up Membership Criteria: 

  • Early Stage Status: Your business must be in the early stages of development, typically within the first three years of operation.
  • Small Team Size: You have a lean team, generally comprising fewer than 20 employees.
  • Innovation Focus: You are focused on pioneering novel solutions or experimenting with emerging technologies to disrupt the market. 
  • Commitment to PIF Values: Your business aligns with PIF's mission to promote safe, sustainable innovation in payments that balances the interests of industry, regulators, and consumers. 
  • Commitment to Engage with PIF: You are willing to actively participate in PIF events, working groups, and member marketing efforts. 

PIF Start-Up Membership Fee Structure:

3-year plan

Annual Fee (ex. VAT)
Year 1£2,750
Valid for one year only
Year 2£5,500
Valid for one year only
Year 3£8,250
Standard membership criteria apply

Begin your application for PIF Start-Up membership by completing the form below:

PIF Start-Up Membership Application

Select your organisation if there is a match.


    Communication preferences

    Payments Innovation Forum Ltd is registered in England and Wales under company number 05955151 at 86-90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE.
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